Don't forget to look for other sources of scholarships! Below are links to websites of organizations that regularly have scholarships applicable to students pursuing natural resource careers. Be sure to do some internet searching of your own!
For High School Students
- Arborjet "Taking Root" College Scholarship Program (for High School seniors pursuing forestry)
- Ducks Unlimited National Scholarship Program (for High School seniors that are DU members/volunteers)
For College Students
- Morton A. Mitchell Scholarship (for any junior and senior undergraduates with an interest in wetland conservation or related disciplines)
- Northern States Caucus (for any student going to college in the Northern States)
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Wildlife Leadership Awards (for college juniors and seniors pursuing wildlife conservation)
- Iowa Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society (for student pursuing natural resources or soil and water conservation)
- Railway Tie Association (for college juniors and seniors pursuing forestry)
- Outdoor Writers Association of America (for students pursuing outdoor communication)
- Iowa Association of Naturalists: Joe Halbur Scholarship (for students pursuing Interpretation)
- Iowa Association of Naturalists: Scholarships (to defer the cost of workshops/professional development for those pursing Interpretation)
- Izaak Walton League of America (for former recipients of chapter scholarship or familiar relationship with IWL member)
- Buchanan County Conservation and Natural Resources Scholarships (for student from Buchanan county pursing natural resources)
Studying Abroad
- Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (for students pursuing a semester or internship abroad)