NREM Graduate Student Organization
The NREM Graduate Student Organization has the goal to further the professional development of graduate students and the department. Our organization achieves this goal in a number of ways, including organizing a departmental seminar series where students have an opportunity to learn about the research of others in their field and eventually present their own research, and by purchasing relevant computer software.
Graduate Student Resources

Meet Our Officers
Evangelin Von Boeckman
Graduate Research Assistant
President GSO
Field Notes
Field Notes is a NREM Graduate Student Organization publication, designed to give you a glimpse of what has happened in NREM over the last year. The publication welcomes new faculty and graduate students, checks in with recent grads, and features articles that highlight research projects within the department. Be sure to check out the amazing pictures that NREM photographers have entered in our annual photo contest!
Seminars and Events
Each semester the Graduate Student Organization hosts a series of professional seminars, given by guests from all across the United States. Topics range from research, to conservation practices, to diversity and inclusion in natural resources.