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Viola pubescens

Common Name(s)
Yellow forest violet
Flowering Time
April to May
Fruit/Seed Maturation Sign
Seeds turn brown (check by opening a few capsules)
Fruit/Seed Collection Dates
Late June

Of 240 seeds planted in a central Iowa demographic study, 94 (39%) germinated and 30 plants survived to year 5; 30 flowered after an average of 4 years and formed large colonies over 18 years (Mabry 2023); likely self sows (see below).

Seed output <25/plant.

Rhizone knotty with fibrous roots (Runkel and Bull 2009, vegetative spread low (Barkely 1986, Gleason and Cronquist 1991).


Yellow forest violet (Viola pubescens)

Seed Cleaning
None required
Intolerant of dry storage (Cullina 2000)
Restoration Potential
Germination Method(s)