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Lobelia cardinalis

Common Name(s)
Cardinal flower
Flowering Time
July to August
Fruit/Seed Maturation Sign
Seeds turn rusty orange
Fruit/Seed Collection Dates
Late September

Found along streams and other low moist areas (Runkel and Bull 2009).

Easy to grow from seed if soil is moist (Steyermark 1963); produces "great quantities" of seed; germination high if seeds have light (Cullina 2000).

Forms a basal rosette the first year and flowers in the second (Steyermark 1963). Fibrous root system developes offshoots giving rise to new plants (Runkel and Bull 2009).

Lobelia cardinalis

Seed Cleaning
Roll/press hypanthium through a fine screen to release seeds
Restoration Potential
High in moist habitats