Evaluation of CRP contour buffer and filter strips as habitat for native bees and predatory ground beetles PublicationTags: native beesbeetlesMary Harrisplant diversitybiodiversityconservation reserve programFile: moorhouse_2016_msthesis_-_eval_of_crp_contour_buffer_and_filter_strips_as_bee_and_beetle_habitat.pdf
Prairie strips are now eligible for the Conservation Reserve Program Newsusda_to_open_signup_for_conservation_reserve_program_on_december_9.pdf Read more about Prairie strips are now eligible for the Conservation Reserve Program
ISU researchers pave the way to make prairie strips eligible option for federal conservation program News
Contour prairie strips affect adjacent soil but have only slight effects on crops PublicationRead the full article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378429023000989 Tags: annual cropsyieldAgronomyCole DutterMarshall McDanielconservation reserve programerosion control. nitrogen immobilizationRegenerative agriculturerestored prairieSoil Health