
FAQ: How long will the prairie strips work?

How long will the prairie strips work? Won't dirt pile up quickly above the prairie strip?

As water moves downslope in a field and encounters the prairie strips, there will be greater resistance to flow and the surface runoff water will slow down. When this water slows, some of the material it is carrying will be deposited. This generally occurs a few feet into the leading edge of the strip or immediately upslope of the strip.

Read more about FAQ: How long will the prairie strips work?

FAQ: Will crop spray drift kill the plants in the prairie strips?

Will crop spray drift kill the plants in the prairie strips?

Spray drift definitely can harm the prairie strips in the first several years as the young plants are establishing, but mature prairie plants are more resilient. Mature perennial plants have deep root systems with substantial stored energy reserves, which tend to allow them to bounce back from incidental drift.

Read more about FAQ: Will crop spray drift kill the plants in the prairie strips?

FAQ: Will driving on the strips kill the prairie plants?

Will driving on the strips kill the prairie plants?

Driving on prairie strips will create disturbance and could disrupt the native plant community. Many invasive weeds are more tolerant to disturbance than prairie plants, and driving on the strips could create an environment where weeds can out-compete the prairie plants. Disturbed areas also may reduce the prairie diversity to only a few native species.

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