
Christopher Witte

Christopher C Witte photo
Technical Staff
STRIPS Field Activities Manager, Research Associate I, Iowa State University
Area of Expertise: 
Hydrology, Water Quality

Challenge #2: Reduced Water Quality

Challenge #2: Reduced Water Quality

Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and suspended soil sediments have greatly diminished water quality (USEPA, 2017a). Polluted water with unusually high concentrations of dissolved or suspended materials, or small amounts of highly toxic materials can be detrimental and sometimes even deadly to living things. Civilization has many uses for and is dependent on high-quality water (Troeh et al., 2004).

Major agricultural contributions to reduced water quality include: Read more about Challenge #2: Reduced Water Quality

Haleigh N Summers

Haleigh Summers
Project Alumni
Graduate Assistant
Area of Expertise: 
Sustainable Agriculture

Michelle Soupir

Michelle L Soupir photo
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University
STRIPS Antimicrobial Resistance Lead
Area of Expertise: 
Water Quality, fecal indicator bacteria, antibiotic resistance
