
Shami Morse - Landowner

Shami Morse and her siblings own their family farm in Iowa County, Iowa. They established 16 acres of prairie strips on a 200 acre row crop field in the fall of 2014. She chatted with J. Arbuckle from the STRIPS team on July 16, 2018 about why she sees prairie strips as a good option for their cropland.

J.: How were you first introduced to the prairie strips?

Eric Hoien - Landowner

Eric Hoien is from Spirit Lake, Iowa and owns four farms in the region. He chatted with STRIPS team members in a phone conversation on November 6, 2017. The purpose of the interview was to better understand why he sees prairie strips as a good option for his farms and to gather some of his experiences as a landowner in establishing prairie strips.

STRIPS: How were you first introduced to prairie strips?