
J. Doudna, Helmers, M., and O'Neal, M., Can conservation complement agriculture?, 2011.
N. P. Schmidt, O'Neal, M. E., and Moore, L. A. Schulte, Effects of grassland habitat and plant nutrients on soybean aphid and natural enemy populations, Environmental Entomology, vol. 40, pp. 260-272, 2011.
G. Drake Larsen, Farming for ecosystem services: A case study of multifunctional agriculture in Iowa, USA. Iowa State University, 2011.
G. L. Larsen, Knoot, T. G., and Tyndall, J., From Science to Practice: Findings from the 2011 STRIPs Project Stakeholder Meeting (June 21, 2011), 2011.
M. E. O'Neal and Moore, L. A. Schulte, The impact of biodiversity services in row crop production in annual verses perennial landscapes, 2011.
D. R. Lockett, Zhou, X., and Helmers, M. J., Impacts of Incorporating Prairie Vegetation within Row Crop Production on Soil Hydraulic Properties, 2011 Louisville, Kentucky, August 7-10, 2011. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, p. 1, 2011.
M. Jarchow and Liebman, M., Incorporating prairies into multifunctional landscapes: establishing and managing prairies for enhanced environmental quality, livestock grazing, and hay production, bioenergy production, and carbon sequestration. 2011.PDF icon 2011-02-incorporating-prairies-multifunctional-landscapes.pdf (2.85 MB)
M. Liebman, Helmers, M. J., and Schulte, L. A., Integrating conservation with biofuel feedstock production, Managing agricultural landscapes for environmental quality II: achieving more effective conservation. Soil and Water Conservation Society of America, Ames, IA, pp. 131-142, 2011.
A Landowner's Guide to Prairie Conservation Strips, 2011. .PDF icon landowners_guide_to_prairie_conservation_strips.pdf (327.73 KB)
M. E. Jarchow and Liebman, M., Maintaining multifunctionality as landscapes provide ecosystem services, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 9, pp. 262-262, 2011.
M. J. Helmers, Zhou, X., Asbjornsen, H., and Kolka, R., Water quality benefits of perennial filter strips in row-cropped watersheds, 2011.
L. A. Schulte, Ontl, T. A., and Larsen, G. Drake, Biofuels and Biodiversity, Wildlife Habitat Restoration, 2013.
R. Hessel, Classical and conservation biological control of pest insects within prairie and crop systems, 2013.
J. Tyndall, Moore, L. Schulte, Liebman, M., and Helmers, M., The Cost of Prairie Strips, 2013. .PDF icon the_cost_of_prairie_conservation_strips.pdf (1.36 MB)
S. M. Hirsh, Mabry, C. M., Schulte, L. A., and Liebman, M., Diversifying agricultural catchments by incorporating tallgrass prairie buffer strips, Ecological Restoration, vol. 31, pp. 201-211, 2013.
L. Schulte Moore, Farm Bill Politics May Prove Devastating to the Environment, 2013. .
J. G. Arbuckle Jr., Farmer attitudes toward proactive targeting of agricultural conservation programs, Society & Natural Resources, vol. 26, pp. 625-641, 2013.
J. C. Tyndall, Schulte, L. A., Liebman, M., and Helmers, M., Field-Level Financial Assessment of Contour Prairie Strips for Enhancement of Environmental Quality, Environmental Management, vol. 52, pp. 736-747, 2013.
N. Jordan, Schulte, L. A., Williams, C., Pitt, D., Slotterback, C. Shively, Jackson, R., Landis, D., Dale, B., Becker, D., and Rickenbach, M., Landlabs: An Integrated Approach to Creating Agricultural Enterprises That Meet the Triple Bottom Line, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, vol. 17, pp. 175-200, 2013.
E. A. Heaton, Schulte, L. A., Berti, M., Langeveld, H., Zegada-Lizarazu, W., Parrish, D., and Monti, A., Managing a 2G crop portfolio through sustainable intensification: examples from the US and EU, Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining, vol. 7, 2013.
V. Hernandez-Santana, Zhou, X., Helmers, M. J., Asbjornsen, H., Kolka, R., and Tomer, M., Native prairie filter strips reduce runoff from hillslopes under annual row-crop systems in Iowa, USA, Journal of HydrologyJournal of Hydrology, vol. 477, pp. 94-103, 2013.
E. Heaton, Moore, L. Schulte, Helmers, M., Liebman, M., and Milster, F., Producing food, feed and energy: How can agriculture do it all?, 25th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 2013.PDF icon producing_food_feed_and_energy_how_can_agriculture_do_it_all_.pdf (2.95 MB)
M. Liebman, Helmers, M. J., Schulte, L. A., and Chase, C. A., Using biodiversity to link agricultural productivity with environmental quality: Results from three field experiments in Iowa, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. 28, pp. 115-128, 2013.
