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“The Influence of Prairie Strips Sown in Midwestern Corn and Soybean Fields on Sediment Discharge Throughout the Year”, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 79, no. 2, 2024.
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“Contour prairie strips affect adjacent soil but have only slight effects on crops”, Field Crop Research, vol. 269, 2023.
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“Miniature temperature data loggers increase precision and reduce bias when estimating the daily survival rate for bird nests”, Journal of Field Ornithology, 2021.
, “Quantification of the impact of prairie strips on grain yield at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge”, Iowa State University Department of Statistics, Ames, Iowa, 2020.
strips1_yield_analysis.pdf (1.38 MB)
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“Prairie strips as a mechanism to promote land sharing by birds in industrial agricultural landscapes”, Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, vol., 2016.
, “Targeted conservation approaches for improving water quality: Multiple benefits for expanded opportunities”, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, PMR 1002, 2008.
Schulte et al. 2008 ISUExt.PMR1002.pdf (2.12 MB)