
Journal Article
L. SchulteMoore, Prairie strips: bringing biodiversity, improved water quality, and soil protection to agriculture, Missouri Prairie Journal, vol. 35, 2014.PDF icon Schulte 2014 MoPrairieJournal -- Prairie Strips.pdf (1.04 MB)
L. A. Schulte, MacDonald, A. L., Niemi, J. B., and Helmers, M. J., Prairie strips as a mechanism to promote land sharing by birds in industrial agricultural landscapes, Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, vol., 2016.
J. C. Tyndall, Prairie and Tree Planting Tool - PT^2 (1.0): A conservation decision support tool for Iowa, USA., Agroforestry Systems, vol. 109, 2021.PDF icon tyndall2021_article_prairieandtreeplantingtoolpt21.pdf (6.08 MB)
J. W. Doudna, O'Neal, M. E., Tyndall, J. C., and Helmers, M. J., Perspectives of extension agents and farmers toward multifunctional agriculture in the United States Corn Belt, Journal of Extension, vol. 53, no. 6, 2015.
X. Zhou, Helmers, M. J., Asbjornsen, H., Kolka, R., and Tomer, M. D., Perennial filter strips reduce nitrate levels in soil and shallow groundwater after grassland-to-cropland conversion, Journal of environmental quality, vol. 39, pp. 2006-2015, 2010.
B. Chen, Krajewski, W. F., Zhou, X., and Helmers, M. J., Organized variability of surface runoff responses across neighboring hillslopes in Iowa, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 523, pp. 1-13, 2015.
E. M. Hsieh and Dolezal, A. G., Nutrition, Pesticide Exposure, and Virus Infection Interact to Produce Context-Dependent Effects in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), Science of the Total Environment, vol. 949, 2024.PDF icon 1-s2.0-s0048969724052756-main.pdf (2.34 MB)
X. Zhou, Helmers, M. J., Asbjornsen, H., Kolka, R., Tomer, M. D., and Cruse, R. M., Nutrient removal by prairie filter strips in agricultural landscapes, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 69, pp. 54-64, 2014.
M. J. Helmers, Grudens-Shuck, N., and Youngquist, T. D., Novel Use of Conceptual Change Framework Improves Video on Challenging Science Topic, Journal of Extension, vol. 57, no. 1IAW2, 2019.PDF icon novel_use_of_conceptual_change_framework_improves_video_on_challenging_science_topic.pdf (558.77 KB)
D. Mitchell, Nitrogen sources and sinks in Iowa soils: biogeochemical links between carbon inputs, nitrate leaching, and nitrous oxide emissions, 2012.
M. Perez-Suarez, Castellano, M. J., Kolka, R., Asbjornsen, H., and Helmers, M., Nitrogen and carbon dynamics in prairie vegetation strips across topographical gradients in mixed Central Iowa agroecosystems, Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, vol. 188, p. 11, 2014.
C. E. Rutkoski, Moore, L. A. Schulte, and Evans, S. E., Neonicotinoid Retention and Transport in a Maize Cropping System with Contour Prairie Strips, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 373, 2024.
M. L. Hladik, Bradbury, S., Schulte, L. A., Helmers, M., Witte, C., Kolpin, D. W., Garrett, J. D., and Harris, M., Neonicotinoid insecticide removal by prairie strips in row-cropped watersheds with historical seed coating use, Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, vol. 241, pp. 160-167, 2017.
G. Zhang, Murray, C., A Clair, S., Cass, R., Dolezal, A. G., Schulte, L. A., Toth, A. L., and O'Neal, M. E., Native vegetation embedded in landscapes dominated by corn and soybean improves honey bee health and productivity, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2023.
V. Hernandez-Santana, Zhou, X., Helmers, M. J., Asbjornsen, H., Kolka, R., and Tomer, M., Native prairie filter strips reduce runoff from hillslopes under annual row-crop systems in Iowa, USA, Journal of HydrologyJournal of Hydrology, vol. 477, pp. 94-103, 2013.
A. G. Dolezal, Clair, A. L. St., Zhang, G., Toth, A. L., and O'Neal, M. E., Native habitat mitigates feast-famine conditions faced by honey bees in an agricultural landscape, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.PDF icon dolezal_st._clair_et_al._2019_pnas.pdf (1007.54 KB)
M. Perez-Bidegain, Helmers, M. J., and Cruse, R., Modeling phosphorus transport in an agricultural watershed using the WEPP model, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 39, pp. 2121-2129, 2010.
M. Stephenson, Moore, L. Schulte, Klaver, R., and Niemi, J., Miniature temperature data loggers increase precision and reduce bias when estimating the daily survival rate for bird nests, Journal of Field Ornithology, 2021.
E. A. Heaton, Schulte, L. A., Berti, M., Langeveld, H., Zegada-Lizarazu, W., Parrish, D., and Monti, A., Managing a 2G crop portfolio through sustainable intensification: examples from the US and EU, Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining, vol. 7, 2013.
M. E. Jarchow and Liebman, M., Maintaining multifunctionality as landscapes provide ecosystem services, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 9, pp. 262-262, 2011.
N. Jordan, Schulte, L. A., Williams, C., Pitt, D., Slotterback, C. Shively, Jackson, R., Landis, D., Dale, B., Becker, D., and Rickenbach, M., Landlabs: An Integrated Approach to Creating Agricultural Enterprises That Meet the Triple Bottom Line, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, vol. 17, pp. 175-200, 2013.
M. Liebman, Helmers, M. J., and Schulte, L. A., Integrating conservation with biofuel feedstock production, Managing agricultural landscapes for environmental quality II: achieving more effective conservation. Soil and Water Conservation Society of America, Ames, IA, pp. 131-142, 2011.
J. A. Stephenson, Liebman, M., Niemi, J., Cruse, R., Tyndall, J., Witte, C. - P., James, D., and Helmers, M., The Influence of Prairie Strips Sown in Midwestern Corn and Soybean Fields on Sediment Discharge Throughout the Year, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 79, no. 2, 2024.PDF icon 87.full_.pdf (688.49 KB)
E. J. Henning, Kolka, R. K., and Helmers, M. J., Infiltration within Native Prairie Vegetative Strips Embedded in Row Crop Fields across Iowa, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 79, no. 1, 2024.PDF icon 43.full_.pdf (587.84 KB)
R. Cox, O'neal, M., Hessel, R., Schulte, L. A., and Helmers, M., The impact of prairie strips on aphidophagous predator abundance and soybean aphid predation in agricultural catchments, Environmental Entomology, vol. 43, pp. 1185-1197, 2014.
B. Khanal, Schoengold, K., Mieno, T., and L Moore, S., The impact of policy design on willingness to pay for ecosystem services from prairie strips, Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2022.
M. E. O'Neal and Moore, L. A. Schulte, The impact of biodiversity services in row crop production in annual verses perennial landscapes, 2011.
G. L. D. Larsen, Schulte, L. A., and Tyndall, J. C., How should Iowa's agricultural landscape look?, Rootstalk, vol. 1, pp. 41-46, 2015.
S. Secchi, Tyndall, J., Schulte, L. A., and Asbjornsen, H., High crop prices and conservation: Raising the stakes, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 63, p. 68A-73A, 2008.PDF icon Secchi et al. 2008 JSWC.pdf (968.32 KB)
M. D. Stephenson, Yuza, K. L., Moore, L. A. Schulte, and Klaver, R. W., Habitat Amount and Edge Effects, Not Perch Proximity, Nest Exposure, or Vegetation Diversity Affect Cowbird Parasitism in Agricultural Landscapes, Landscape Ecology, vol. 39, no. 69, 2024.
G. Arbuckle J Jr, Helmers, M. J., Liebman, M. Z., and Schulte, L. A., From vulnerability to resiliency: Iowa agriculture in the age of biorenewables, 2008.
G. L. Larsen, Knoot, T. G., and Tyndall, J., From Science to Practice: Findings from the 2011 STRIPs Project Stakeholder Meeting (June 21, 2011), 2011.
J. C. Tyndall, Schulte, L. A., Liebman, M., and Helmers, M., Field-Level Financial Assessment of Contour Prairie Strips for Enhancement of Environmental Quality, Environmental Management, vol. 52, pp. 736-747, 2013.
J. G. Arbuckle Jr., Farmer attitudes toward proactive targeting of agricultural conservation programs, Society & Natural Resources, vol. 26, pp. 625-641, 2013.
D. Larsen, Tyndall, J., Moore, L. Schulte, and Grudens-Shuck, N., Exploring stakeholder consensus for multiple outcomes in agriculture: an Iowa case study., Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 13, 2019.
D. Larsen, Tyndall, J. C., Schulte, L. A., and Grudens-Schuck, N., Exploring Stakeholder Consensus for Multiple Outcomes in Agriculture: An Iowa Case Study, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2019.
M. Liebman and Schulte, L. A., Enhancing agroecosystem performance and resilience through increased diversification of landscapes and cropping systems., Elementa, 2015.
T. E. Smith, Kolka, R. K., Zhou, X., Helmers, M. J., Cruse, R. M., and Tomer, M. D., Effects of native perennial vegetation buffer strips on dissolved organic carbon in surface runoff from an agricultural landscape, Biogeochemistry, vol. 120, pp. 121-132, 2014.
N. P. Schmidt, O'Neal, M. E., and Moore, L. A. Schulte, Effects of grassland habitat and plant nutrients on soybean aphid and natural enemy populations, Environmental Entomology, vol. 40, pp. 260-272, 2011.
K. E. Borchardt, Kadelka, C., Schulte, L. A., and Toth, A. L., An Ecological Networks Approach Reveals Restored Native Vegetation Benefits Wild Bees in Agroecosystems, Biological Conservation, vol. 287, 2023.PDF icon ecological_networks_wild_bees.pdf (5.25 MB)
S. M. Hirsh, Diversifying monoculture crops by incorporating prairie buffer strips, 2012.
S. M. Hirsh, Mabry, C. M., Schulte, L. A., and Liebman, M., Diversifying agricultural catchments by incorporating tallgrass prairie buffer strips, Ecological Restoration, vol. 31, pp. 201-211, 2013.
J. Iqbal, Parkin, T. B., Helmers, M. J., Zhou, X., and Castellano, M. J., Denitrification and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Annual Croplands, Perennial Grass Buffers, and Restored Perennial Grasslands, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 79, 2015.PDF icon 2014 Iqbal et al. SSSAJ.pdf (799.51 KB)
A. Iverson, Moorman, T. B., Soupir, M., and Morrow, A. J., Degradation of tetracycline, sulfamethazine, and tylosin in soil from prairie strips and row crops in Iowa, Agroecosystems, Geosciences, and Environment, vol. 5, 2022.
C. R. Dutter, Rutkoski, C. E., Evans, S. E., and McDaniel, M. D., Contour Prairie Strips Alter Microbial Communities and Functioning Both Below and in Adjacent Cropland Soils, Applied Soil Ecology, vol. 199, 2024.PDF icon 1-s2.0-s0929139324001550-main.pdf (12.93 MB)
C. Dutter, Damiano, L. A., Niemi, J., Miller, B. A., Schulte, L. A., Liebman, L., Helmers, M., Cruse, R., and McDaniel, M. D., Contour prairie strips affect adjacent soil but have only slight effects on crops, Field Crop Research, vol. 269, 2023.
D. C. Mitchell, Zhou, X., Parkin, T. B., Helmers, M. J., and Castellano, M. J., Comparing Nitrate Sink Strength in Perennial Filter Strips at Toeslopes of Cropland Watersheds, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2014.PDF icon 2014 Mitchell et al. JEQ.pdf (878.38 KB)
G. William Shepherd, A comparative agroecosystems analysis of soil water and root dynamics under six different vegetative cover types, 2006.
R. Hessel, Classical and conservation biological control of pest insects within prairie and crop systems, 2013.
R. M. Maher, Asbjornsen, H., Kolka, R. K., Cambardella, C. A., and Raich, J. W., Changes in soil respiration across a chronosequence of tallgrass prairie reconstructions, Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, vol. 139, pp. 749-753, 2010.
