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Science-Based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips
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Abramson, Guillermo
Aga, Diana S.
Alt, Laura M.
Alt, L
Alt, LM
Anderson, Robin A.
Arbuckle, J.G.
Arbuckle, Gordon
Arbuckle, J.
Arbuckle, J.G.
Arbuckle, JG
Arbuckle, J.
Asbjornsen, H.
Asbjornsen, Heidi
Asbjornsen, H.
Asbjornsen, H
Atwell, R.C.
B, Helmuth
Babcock, Bruce A
Bagnato, Camilo
Bartomeus, Ignasi
Bayala, J
Becker, Ashley E.
Becker, Dennis
Bennett, E
Berti, M.
Berti, Merisol
Bingner, Ronald
Blair, Amy C.
Boersma, N. N.
Bonner, Ian J
Borchardt, Kate E.
Bradbury, Steven P.
Bradbury, Steven
Bradbury, S
Brandes, Elke
Bridgewater, Peter
Brittenham, Bethany A
Brittenham, B.
Brown, Cameron S.
Cambardella, Cynthia A
Carella, Dulce S. Gomez
Carella, Dulce Gomez
Cass, R
Castellano, Michael J.
Castellano, Michael J.
Caviglia-Harris, J
Chase, C. A.
Cheatham, Melissa Renee
Chen, J
Chen, Bo
Clair, Ashley L. St.
Clair, St.
Clinton, A.
Coats, Joel
Coats, Joel R.
Congilosi, Jena L.
Cox, R.
Cox, Rachael
Craig, Andrew J.
Crow, Thomas R
Cruse, Richard M
Cruse, R. M.
Cruse, R
Cruse, Richard
Cruse, Rick
Dale, Bruce
Damiano, Luis
Damiano, LA
de Kok-Mercado, Omar
de Kok-Mercado, Omar
Díaz, Sandra
Dicks, Lynn V.
Dolezal, Adam G.
Dolezal, A
Dolezal, AG
Dolezal, Adam
Doudna, John
Doudna, J.W.
Drobney, P
Dutter, Cole R.
Dutter, C
Ellis, Erle C.
English, Lydia
Evans, Sarah E.
Fillery, Ian RP
Flater, Jared S.
Flater, JS
Foundation, Sand County
Galvin, K
Garibaldi, Lucas A.
Garrett, JD
Gesch, Karl
Giese, Jordan C.
Gill, K.A.
Goldenberg, Matías
Grudens-Schuck, N.
Grudens-Schuck, N
Grudens-Schuck, Nancy
Grudens-Shuck, Nancy
Gunther, T. P.
Gusto, Cody
Gutierrez-Lopez, Jose
Haddad, Nick M.
Hall, Maura Jacqueline
Hall, R. B.
Hall, Maura J.
Harris, Mary
Harris, M
Hart, C.
Headlee, W. L.
Heaton, E. A.
Heaton, Emily A
Heaton, Emily A
Heaton, Emily
Helmers, M.
Helmers, Matt
Helmers, M.J.
Helmers, Matthew J.
Helmers, Matthew
Helmers, M. J.
Helmers, M.
Helmers, Matthew J
Helmers, Matthew J
Helmers, M
Helmers, MJ
Helmers, Matthew
Henning, E.J.
Henning, Eric J.
Hernandez-Santana, V
Hessel, Rene
Hill, Jacob
Hirsh, Sarah M
Hirsh, Sarah M.
Hladik, ML
Hodges, K
Howe, A
Howe, Adina
Hsieh, Edward M.
Huaylla, Claudia A.
Hughes, Alice C.
Iqbal, Javed
Isenhart, Thomas
Isenhart, T.
Iverson, AN
Iverson, A
Jackson, Randall
James, DE
James, D.
Jarchow, Meghann
Jarchow, Meghann E
Jobbágy, Esteban C.
Johnson, MS
Jordahl, Jim
Jordan, Nicholas
Jordar, Diego N. Nabaes
Jr, Gordon Arbuckle
Jr., J.G. Arbuckle
Jr., JG Arbuckle
Jurenka, Russel
Kadelka, Claus
Kemmerling, Lindsey R.
Khanal, B
Khanal, Badri
Klaver, Robert
Klaver, Robert W.
Knoot, Tricia G
Kolka, R.
Kolka, Randy
Kolka, Randall
Kolka, Randall K
Kolka, R.K.
Kolka, RK
Kolpin, DW
Kordbacheh, Farnaz
Kordbacheh, F
Krajewski, Witold F
Krebs, M
Kremen, Claire
Kuckuck, Bill
Kuperman, Marcelo
Landis, Douglas
Langeveld, H.
Langeveld, Hans
Larsen, GL D
Larsen, Gl Drake
Larsen, D
Larsen, GL
Larsen, Drake
Li, Hao
Liebman, Matthew Z
Liebman, Matt
Liebman, Matt
Liebman, M.
Liebman, L
Liebman, M
Liebman, Matthew
Lipps, K
Locke, Harvey
Lockett, Delise Rae
Lockett, Delise R
Lopez, Jose Antonio Gu
Lowman, M
Mabry, Catherine M
MacDonald, Anna L
MacDonald, Anna L.
Mackert, M
Maher, Ryan Matthew
Maher, Ryan M
Martin-Schwarze, A
McCarthy, Annabelle C.
McDaniel, MD
McDaniel, Marshall D.
McGovern, Joesph M.
McNally, Gabrielle
McNunn, Gabriel Sean
Mehrabi, Zia
Mieno, T
Miguez, Fernando E.
Miller, Elise J.
Miller, BA
Milster, Ferman
Mitchell, David C.
Mitchell, David
Monti, A.
Monti, Andrea
Moore, K. J.
Moore, Lisa A Schulte
Moore, Schulte
Moore, Lisa A. Schulte
Moore, Lisa Schulte
Moore, Lisa Schulte
Moorhouse, AL
Moorman, Thomas B.
Moorman, TB
Mora, G
Mora, German
Morrow, AJ
Mueller, Julie
Murray, Caroline
Murray, C
Muth, DJ
Neal, J.
Neal, J
Nelson, Jessica A.
Niemi, Jarad B
Niemi, Jarad
Niemi, Jarad
Niemi, J
O'Neal, Matthew E.
O'neal, Matthew
O'Neal, M
O'Neal, Matthew
O'Neal, Matt
O'Neal, Matthew E
O'Neal, Mathew
O'Neal, ME
O'Neal, M.E.
O'Neal, Matt
O'Neal, M.
O'Neal, M.E.
Oddi, Facundo J.
Ohde, Rachael Ann Cox
Ong, CK
Ontl, Todd A
Oroz, Luquin
Orr, Michael C.
Outdoors, FIND
Parkin, Timothy B.
Parrish, D.
Parrish, David
Perez-Bidegain, Mario
Perez-Suarez, Marlin
Pitt, David
Raich, James W
Rehmann, Chris R.
Remigio, Mateos
Rickenbach, Mark
Roberts, Anna M
Roesch-McNally, Gabrielle Elan
Roesch-McNally, Gabrielle
Rogers, Brooke
Rutkoski, Corinn E
Rutkoski, Corinn E.
Salome, Vilma
Santibañez, Fernanda
Schmidt, Nicholas P
Schoengold, K
Schulte, Lisa A
Schulte, L.A.
Schulte, L
Schulte, L.A.
Schulte, LA
Schulte, Lisa A
Schulte, Lisa A.
Schulte, L. A.
Schulte, LA
Schulte-Moore, Lisa
SchulteMoore, Lisa
Schultz, R.
Schurr, T
Secchi, S.
Secchi, S.
Service, Forest
Sharma, Bhavna
Shea, M. E.
Shepherd, G
Shepherd, Greg William
Slotterback, Carissa Shively
Smith, Tomorra E
Sorenson, E
Soupir, M
Soupir, Michelle L.
Soupir, ML
Stephenson, Matthew Douglas
Stephenson, Jessica A.
Stephenson, Matthew
Stephenson, Matthew D.
Stephenson, MD
Stephenson, Matt
Team, S.T.R.I.P.S.
team, STRIPS
Thompson, J.
Tomer, M. D.
Tomer, MD
Tomer, M.
Tomer, M
Tomer, Mark D
Toth, AL
Toth, Amy L.
Toth, A
Toth, Amy
Tyndall, J.
Tyndall, John
Tyndall, J. C.
Tyndall, JC
Tyndall, J.C.
Tyndall, J.
Tyndall, J
Tyndall, John
Tyndall, JC
Van Ryswyk, G
Vargas, Andres
Whitehair, R.
Whitehair, R
Whitehair, Rachael
Williams, Carol
Wilson, D. M.
Witte, C
Witte, Claus-Peter
Youngquist, Timothy D.
Youngquist, TD
Yuza, Kyla L.
Zegada-Lizarazu, Walter
Zegada-Lizarazu, W.
Zhang, Xingyi
Zhang, Ge
Zhang, G
Zhou, Xiaobo
Zhou, X
Zhou, Xiaobo
Zhou, X.
Zhu, Chao-Dong
Journal Article
Web Article
Magazine Article
Government Report
Conference Proceedings
Tags - 10 Year Anniversary
Tags - 2018
Tags - 2019 STRIPS Landowner Report
Tags - 2022
Tags - 2024
Tags - abutilon-theophrasti
Tags - acoustic monitoring
Tags - action
Tags - adaptation
Tags - adoption
Tags - adoption; farmers; landowners; conservation; stakeholders
Tags - adoption; farmers; landowners; conservation; stakeholders; prairie
Tags - Adult Education
Tags - AdultEducation
Tags - Agribiodiversity
Tags - Agribiodiversity. agriculture
Tags - Agricultural Best Management Practices
Tags - agricultural diversification
Tags - agricultural drainage
Tags - agricultural ecology
Tags - agricultural land
Tags - agricultural landscapes
Tags - agricultural productivity
Tags - agricultural systems
Tags - agricultural water quality
Tags - agriculture
Tags - agroecology
Tags - agroecology Diadophis punctatus fragmentation Habitat Amount Hypothesis Pantherophis ramspotti Plestiodon septentrionalis reptile presence Thamnophis sirtalis
Tags - agroecosystems
Tags - Agronomy
Tags - algorithm
Tags - American Farmland Trust
Tags - AMR
Tags - Amy Toth
Tags - annual crops
Tags - antibiotic resistance
Tags - Antibiotic resistance
Tags - Antibiotics
Tags - antimicrobial resistance
Tags - Arbuckle
Tags - attitudes
Tags - Australia
Tags - bacteria
Tags - Badri Khanal
Tags - bee body condition
Tags - Bee body condition
Tags - Bee Health
Tags - bee health
Tags - bees
Tags - beetles
Tags - beneficial insects
Tags - benefits
Tags - best management practices
Tags - biodiversity
Tags - biodiversity conservation
Tags - biodiversity conservationcrop yieldhoney beepollinationsoybeanwild pollinators
Tags - bioenergy
Tags - biofuels
Tags - biogeochemistryd
Tags - bird point counts
Tags - birds
Tags - Bloom's Taxonomy
Tags - Bloom’s taxonomy; corn belt; adult education; perceived self-efficacy; perennial plantings; plant identification; developmental evaluation; soil conservation; water quality; biodiversity
Tags - Bob Klaver
Tags - brochure
Tags - Brood parasitism
Tags - brown-headed cowbird
Tags - buffer strips
Tags - carbon
Tags - Caroline Murray
Tags - case study
Tags - climate change
Tags - Cole Dutter
Tags - collaborator
Tags - Collaborators
Tags - Community ecology
Tags - concentrated flow
Tags - conceptual change
Tags - conservation
Tags - conservation biology
Tags - Conservation Letters
Tags - conservation management
Tags - conservation practice
Tags - Conservation Reserve Program
Tags - conservation reserve program
Tags - Consultants
Tags - Contour prairie strips
Tags - control
Tags - Cooperator feedback
Tags - Cooperator Survey
Tags - corn
Tags - Corn Belt
Tags - corn belt
Tags - cost
Tags - cost-effectiveness
Tags - cost-share
Tags - costs
Tags - crop fields
Tags - crop production
Tags - cropland
Tags - cropping systems
Tags - CRP
Tags - cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum)
Tags - data
Tags - Decison Support
Tags - denitrification
Tags - detection probability
Tags - Developmental Education
Tags - diadophis punctatus
Tags - dissertation
Tags - diversity
Tags - Double-stranded RNA
Tags - dryland farming
Tags - Ecological Restoration
Tags - ecology
Tags - Ecology and Society
Tags - economic
Tags - economics
Tags - ecosystem service
Tags - ecosystem services
Tags - Ecotone
Tags - edge-of-field
Tags - education
Tags - Educational Resource
Tags - ELISA
Tags - energy
Tags - entomology
Tags - environmental quality
Tags - erosion
Tags - Erosion control
Tags - erosion control. nitrogen immobilization
Tags - Evaluation
Tags - exposure
Tags - Exposure assessment
Tags - extension
Tags - FAQ
Tags - farm
Tags - farm bill
Tags - farmer cooperators
Tags - farmers
Tags - farmland birds
Tags - farms
Tags - fecal indicator bacteria
Tags - feed
Tags - female
Tags - FFAR
Tags - FFAR Pollinator
Tags - filter strips
Tags - financial analysis
Tags - Financial analysis-perennial conservation practice
Tags - floral resources
Tags - Flume
Tags - food
Tags - forage
Tags - Forests and Agriculture
Tags - fragmentation
Tags - FSA
Tags - Ge Zhang
Tags - genes
Tags - grassland habitat
Tags - grassland passerines
Tags - ground beetles
Tags - groundwater
Tags - gulf-of-mexico
Tags - habitat
Tags - habitat amount hypothesis
Tags - habitat associations
Tags - Handout
Tags - hedgerows
Tags - Helmers
Tags - honey bee
Tags - Honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Tags - honey bees
Tags - honeybees
Tags - Human Dimensions
Tags - hydrology
Tags - IA TN 190-ARG-41
Tags - imager
Tags - infiltration
Tags - input cropping systems
Tags - integrated pest management
Tags - integrative research
Tags - interacting stressors
Tags - Iowa
Tags - iowa
Tags - Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll
Tags - Iowa Soybean Association
Tags - Jarad Niemi
Tags - Jeri Neal
Tags - Jordan Giese
Tags - Journal of Extension
Tags - Journal of Field Ornithology
Tags - Karina Schoengold
Tags - land-use change
Tags - landlabs
Tags - Landowner Report
Tags - landowner's guide
Tags - landowners
Tags - Landscape Ecology
Tags - landscape position
Tags - Larsen
Tags - LC-MS/MS
Tags - leadership
Tags - Leadership Narrative
Tags - Learning Circle
Tags - learning circles
Tags - Lepidoptera
Tags - Liebman
Tags - Lisa Schulte Moore
Tags - livestock systems
Tags - Luquin Oroz
Tags - Maize
Tags - management
Tags - manure
Tags - manure application
Tags - Marshall McDaniel
Tags - Mary Harris
Tags - Matt Helmers
Tags - Matt Liebman
Tags - Matt O'Neal
Tags - Matt Stephenson
Tags - Maura Hall
Tags - microbial fate and transport
Tags - mississippi river
Tags - model
Tags - modeling
Tags - molothrus ater
Tags - monarch butterfly
Tags - Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Tags - multifunctionality
Tags - multispecies riparian buffer
Tags - Nancy Grudens-Schuck
Tags - native bees
Tags - native habitat
Tags - native plants
Tags - natives
Tags - natural inquirer
Tags - natural predators
Tags - Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge
Tags - Neonicotinoid
Tags - neonicotinoids
Tags - Neonicotinoids
Tags - nests
Tags - network
Tags - network analysis
Tags - nitrate
Tags - nitrate concentrations
Tags - nitrate sink
Tags - nitrates
Tags - nitrogen
Tags - Nitrogen dynamics
Tags - Nitrogen immobilization
Tags - nitrous oxide
Tags - nonpoint-source pollution
Tags - NRCS
Tags - nutrient loss
Tags - nutrient management
Tags - nutrient reduction
Tags - nutriention
Tags - nutrients
Tags - nutrition
Tags - nutritional health
Tags - o'neal
Tags - occupancy
Tags - ollinators
Tags - on-farm applications
Tags - organic matter
Tags - Organophosphate
Tags - outreach
Tags - overland flow
Tags - overview
Tags - ownership
Tags - pantherophis ramspotti
Tags - pathogens
Tags - Perceived Self-Efficacy
Tags - perennial crops
Tags - perennial farming systems
Tags - Perennial Plantings
Tags - perennials
Tags - pest control
Tags - pesticide exposure
Tags - pesticide transport
Tags - Pesticide transport
Tags - Pesticides
Tags - phenology
Tags - phosphorus transport
Tags - plant diversity
Tags - Plant Identification
Tags - plant nutrients
Tags - plant-pollinator network
Tags - plants
Tags - plestidon septentraionalis
Tags - PNAS
Tags - pollen
Tags - polliators
Tags - pollinator
Tags - pollinators
Tags - Pollinators
Tags - Practice Management
Tags - Prairie
Tags - prairie establishment
Tags - prairie filter strips
Tags - prairie restoration
Tags - Prairie strip establishment
Tags - prairie strips
Tags - Prairie strips
Tags - Prairie Strips Research Highlight
Tags - Prairie Strips Technical Note
Tags - Precision Prairie
Tags - Program Evaluation
Tags - Pyrethroid
Tags - quality
Tags - rainfall
Tags - reconstructed prairie
Tags - reduction
Tags - Regenerative agriculture
Tags - Regenerative Agriculture
Tags - reptile presence
Tags - research
Tags - research summary
Tags - restoration
Tags - restored prairie
Tags - Restored prairie
Tags - riparian buffers
Tags - ritas
Tags - roots
Tags - row crop
Tags - runoff
Tags - salinity
Tags - Sand County Foundation
Tags - Schulte Moore
Tags - science
Tags - science education
Tags - Science summary
Tags - scientific american
Tags - sediment
Tags - sediment discharge
Tags - sediment loads
Tags - sediment transport
Tags - seed diversity
Tags - social
Tags - social science
Tags - Social-Ecological Systems
Tags - sociology
Tags - Sociology Technical Report 1060
Tags - sociology technical report 1065
Tags - soil
Tags - soil and tillage research
Tags - Soil Conservation
Tags - Soil erosion
Tags - Soil health
Tags - Soil Health
Tags - soil health
Tags - soil hydraulics
Tags - soil microbial communities
Tags - soil moisture
Tags - soil respiration
Tags - soundscape ecology
Tags - soybean
Tags - Soybean
Tags - soybean aphid
Tags - Soybeans
Tags - stakeholder
Tags - Stakeholder Engagement
Tags - stakeholders
Tags - STRIPS1
Tags - STRIPS2
Tags - Strobilurin
Tags - surface runoff
Tags - surface water hydrology
Tags - survey
Tags - survey research
Tags - sustainable agriculture
Tags - Sustainable Food Systems
Tags - Swine manure
Tags - Targeted Conservation
Tags - targeting
Tags - Technical Note
Tags - thamnophis sirtalis
Tags - thermal
Tags - thesis
Tags - tile lines
Tags - Training
Tags - Training Program
Tags - trophic interactions
Tags - Tyndall
Tags - undefined
Tags - united-states
Tags - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tags - us
Tags - US Corn Belt
Tags - US Midwest
Tags - USDA
Tags - vegetated buffers
Tags - vegetative filter strip
Tags - vegetative filter strips
Tags - vegetative filters
Tags - virus infection
Tags - vision
Tags - Water
Tags - water quality
Tags - Water quality
Tags - water uptake
Tags - watershed
Tags - watershed-scale
Tags - watersheds
Tags - WEBB model
Tags - WEPP
Tags - Wild bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
Tags - Wild Bees
Tags - wildlife
Tags - Willingness to pay
Tags - Wisconsin
Tags - Women
Tags - women
Tags - women farmers
Tags - women landowners
Tags - women; landowners; non-operating landowners; American Farmland Trust; Learning Circle
Tags - workshop development* prairie strips* survey*
Tags - yield
acoustic monitoring
adoption; farmers; landowners; conservation; stakeholders; prairie
Agricultural Best Management Practices
agricultural drainage
agricultural land
agricultural productivity
agroecology Diadophis punctatus fragmentation Habitat Amount Hypothesis Pantherophis ramspotti Plestiodon septentrionalis reptile presence Thamnophis sirtalis
Antibiotic resistance
Bee body condition
bee health
best management practices
biodiversity conservation
biodiversity conservationcrop yieldhoney beepollinationsoybeanwild pollinators
Biomass yield
Bloom’s taxonomy; corn belt; adult education; perceived self-efficacy; perennial plantings; plant identification; developmental evaluation; soil conservation; water quality; biodiversity
Brood parasitism
brown-headed cowbird
Community ecology
concentrated flow
conceptual change
conservation management
conservation reserve program
Contour prairie strips
corn belt
cropping systems
cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum)
detection probability
ecosystem services
Erosion control
farmland birds
filter strips
Financial analysis-perennial conservation practice
food security
food vs
future energy crops
grassland passerines
habitat amount hypothesis
habitat associations
Hybrid aspen
input cropping systems
interacting stressors
land-use change
Landscape Biomass Project
landscape management
learning circles
livestock systems
manure application
mississippi river
molothrus ater
monarch butterfly
multispecies riparian buffer
network analysis
nitrate concentrations
Nitrogen dynamics
Nitrogen immobilization
nonpoint-source pollution
northwest china
nutrient loss
pesticide exposure
Pesticide transport
plant-pollinator network
prairie filter strips
prairie strips
reconstructed prairie
Regenerative Agriculture
Restored prairie
riparian buffers
row crop
science education
sediment loads
sediment transport
Short-rotation woody crops
soil health
soundscape ecology
Swine manure
trophic interactions
US Corn Belt
US Midwest
vegetated buffers
vegetative filter strips
vegetative filters
virus infection
Water quality
women farmers
women landowners
Liebman, L
[Clear All Filters]
C. Dutter
Damiano, L. A.
Niemi, J.
Miller, B. A.
Schulte, L. A.
Liebman, L.
Helmers, M.
Cruse, R.
, and
McDaniel, M. D.
Contour prairie strips affect adjacent soil but have only slight effects on crops
Field Crop Research
, vol. 269, 2023.