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“The Cost of Prairie Strips”, 2013. .
the_cost_of_prairie_conservation_strips.pdf (1.36 MB)
“Producing food, feed and energy: How can agriculture do it all?”, 25th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 2013.
producing_food_feed_and_energy_how_can_agriculture_do_it_all_.pdf (2.95 MB)
“Honey bee nutritional health in agricultural landscapes: Relationships to pollen and habitat diversity”, Iowa State University, Ames, 2020.
honey_bee_nutritional_health_in_agricultural_landscapes.pdf (3.52 MB)
“Strips of prairie vegetation placed within row crops can sustain native bee communities”, PLOS One, vol. 15, no. 10, p. e0240354, 2020.