Kelly Nascimento Thompson

Graduate Assistant
Kelly N Thompson

Born and raised in Northern Brazil, my experience with nature derives from spending weekends at my grandfather's small farm. As I grew up, my curiosity to understand the science behind growing plants led me to choose Agronomy as a major in 2010. During my undergraduate years, I was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to learn English at Iowa State University, where I also enrolled in Agronomy classes. My professional experience entails GIS conservation projects qualifying farmers for benefits and licenses within environmental laws in the Amazon and Nematology research in the seed industry. Currently, I am a P.h.D student affiliated with the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, and my research will integrate the Daily Erosion Project with the STRIPS project to study soil management and conservation.

Area of Expertise: 
Movement of soil and modeling watershed characteristic
B.S, Agronomy, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia, 2017.
Elings $ 605 Bissell Rd