Bird Community Response to Field-Level Integration of Prairie Strips
Contour Prairie Strips Alter Microbial Communities and Functioning Both Below and in Adjacent Cropland Soils
Technology Helps Farmer Target Conservation
Author: Nancy North
The integration of native prairie vegetative strips into row crop agriculture is a promising conservation strategy that has gained momentum in adoption rates throughout the US Midwest.
Authors:Joseph M. McGovern, Jordan C, Giese, Lisa A. Schulte
Four professional development sessions were held across Iowa for Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) staff so that they would be encouraged to learn more about prairie strips and advising on CP-43 related requests from farmers and non-operating landowners (N
Andres Vargas, an entomology graduate researcher at Iowa State University, is interviewed by Sebastian of The Undergrowth about prairie strips and ground beetle predation.
Watch the video
Authored by: Kate E. Borchardt, Claus Kadelka, Lisa A. Schulte, Amy L. Toth
Biological Conservation Volume 287, November 2023