The success of STRIPS is due to support from our numerous institutional partners, supporters, and stakeholder advisory committee members. In addition to these lists, we are honored to work with a growing number of private farmers and farmland owners. A big THANK YOU to all!
STRIPS defines partners as those who are actively working to meet our mission:
We strive to more fully understand the assembly, management, function, and value of prairie strips; to communicate our results to diverse audiences; and to assist others with the implementation of prairie strips on farm fields.
Institutional Partners
- Iowa State University
- Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance
- Michigan State University
- Sand County Foundation
- University of Northern Iowa Tallgrass Prairie Center
- USDA Forest Service
- 11th Hour Project
- Bayer Crop Science
- Bia-Echo Foundation
- Corteva
- CropLife Foundation
- Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
- Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance
- Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship - Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Diversity Program
- Iowa Flood Center
- Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
- Iowa Nutrient Research Center
- Iowa Soybean Association
- Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
- Missouri Prairie Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Prairie Rivers of Iowa
- Roeslein Alternative Energy
- Syngenta
- Trees Forever
- The McKnight Foundation
- USDA Farm Service Agency
- USDA Forest Service
- USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
- USDA North Central SARE
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Geological Survey
- Walton Family Foundation
- Whiterock Conservancy
Stakeholder Advisory Committee
- Conservation Districts of Iowa
- Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative
- Environmental Working Group
- Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance
- Iowa Corn Growers Association
- Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Iowa Environmental Council
- Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
- Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
- Iowa Prairie Network
- Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
- Practical Farmers of Iowa
- The Land Stewardship Project
- The Nature Conservancy
- USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
- USDA Farm Service Agency
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service - Iowa