Thomas Detmer

Thomas Detmer

  • Assistant Professor
  • Director North Central Regional Aquaculture Center
Dr. Detmer’s research focuses on understanding and conserving freshwater ecosystems and fisheries while fostering better human-ecosystem relationships. He explores a broad range of aquatic and fisheries-related questions, with his work primarily organized around four key areas. The first involves examining how introduced and invasive species disrupt ecosystems and exploring effective management strategies. The second focuses on investigating the impacts of climate change on food webs, fish behavior, and angler activities. The third targets identifying landscape features that influence the spatial and temporal distribution of aquatic organisms and their effects on food web dynamics. Finally, he explores how interactions between humans and aquatic ecosystems are influenced by disturbances, such as invasive species, and how these interactions evolve over time, emphasizing the applied potential of his research.


Contact Info

332 Science Hall II
2310 Pammel Drive
Social Media and Websites

Research Area

Area of Expertise

  • Fisheries Ecology


  • B.A., Environmental Studies, Geography and Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008
  • Ph.D., Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014