Dr. Roger W Bachmann
- Professor Emeritus
Area of Expertise
- Aquatic Ecology
- B.S. in Fisheries, University of Michigan, 1956
- M.S. in Fisheries, University of Idaho, 1958
- Ph.D. in Zoology (Limnology), University of Michigan, 1962
In 1963 Dr. Roger Bachmann joined Dr. Kenneth Carlander as the second faculty member in fisheries, in the Fisheries and Wildlife Section of the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Dr. Bachmann served as the first chairman of the newly formed Department of Animal Ecology in 1975. He retired from the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management in 1993.
Dr. Roger Bachmann's areas of research include limnology and aquatic ecology. He served 30 years on the faculty of Iowa State University where he taught Limnology, Ichthyology and Herpetology, Fish Propagation and Pond Management, Advanced Limnology, Ecological Energetics, Stream Ecology and conducted research on lake eutrophication, nutrient cycling, stream ecology, and quantitative relationships in lakes. He supervised the completion of 10 PhD and 34 M.S. students.
In Florida he has looked at relationships between a lake trophic state and fish populations, scientific bases for determining eutrophication in large Florida lakes, the application of the theory of alternative stable states to shallow Florida lakes, the role of wind in resuspending lake sediments, the use of biocriteria for evaluating lakes, and lake restoration strategies. He is also involved with others in analyzing the long-term database on Florida lakes collected by the Florida LAKEWATCH program.
Dr. Bachmann regularly presents papers at meetings of the Florida Lake Management Society and the North American Lake Management Society. In 2004, he was an invited speaker at the Shallow Lakes Symposium at the American Fisheries Society in Madison, Wisconsin. He currently serves as an associate editor for the special eutrophication issue of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.
Bachmann, R. W., B. L. Jones, D. D. Fox, M Hoyer, L. A. Bull, and Daniel E. Canfield, Jr. 1996. Relations between trophic state indicators and fish in Florida (USA) lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:842-855.
Bachmann, R.W., M.V. Hoyer, S.B.Vinzon and D.E. Canfield, Jr. 2005. The origin of the fluid mud layer in Lake Apopka, Florida. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50:629-635.
Bachmann, R.W., M.V. Hoyer and D.E. Canfield, Jr. 2004. Aquatic plants and nutrients in Florida lakes. Aquatics: 26(3)4-11
Bachmann, R. W., M. V. Hoyer, and D. E. Canfield. Jr. 2003. Predicting the frequencies of high chlorophyll levels in Florida lakes from average chlorophyll or nutrient data. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 19:229-241.
Bachmann, R. W., M. V. Hoyer, C. Fernandez, and D. E. Canfield. Jr. 2003. An alternative to proposed phosphorus TMDLs for the management of Lake Okeechobee. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 19:251-264.