Riggs Wilson standing with an ARU sound recorder used for his research in southern Iowa studying northern bobwhites. Photo by Adam Janke.

Riggs Wilson

  • Graduate Assistant
  • Dr. Adam Janke


Research Area

Area of Expertise

  • Wildlife Ecology
  • Avian Ecology
  • Ornithology


  • B.S., Animal Ecology, Iowa State University, 2020
  • B.S., Forestry, Iowa State University, 2020

I am currently pursuing a M.S. degree in Wildlife Ecology at Iowa State University. My research is focused on identifying areas on the landscape in southern Iowa that can be prioritized for implementation of conservation incentive programs targeted for Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) conservation. I am utilizing autonomous recording units (ARU) to carry out passive acoustic monitoring throughout southern Iowa to listen for bobwhite covey calls in the fall to investigate bobwhite distribution and occurrence on the landscape and habitat associations.