Dr. Richard C Schultz
- University Professor
Research Area
Area of Expertise
- Riparian
- Forest and Prairie Ecology
- Agroforestry
- Global Natural and Social Resource Systems Science
- B.S. Forestry with an Option in Forest Management, Iowa State University, 1965
- M.S. Forest Biology, Iowa State, 1968
- Ph.D Forest Biology, Iowa State University, 1970
Professional Experience
Leader, Agroecology Issue Team, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, 1991-2002.
Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, 1982 -present.
Associate Professor of Forestry, Iowa State University, 1979-1982.
Assistant Professor of Forestry, University of Georgia, 1972-1979.
Head, Environmental Coordination Section of Iowa Department of Transportation, 1971-1972.
Professional interests include riparian ecology, management and restoration, especially in agricultural landscapes, hydrology and soils, agroforestry. Research emphasis focuses on the design and function of riparian management systems that reduce the movement and remediate the impact of non-point source pollutants from croplands and pastures to adjacent streams. Presently we are also studying the impact of riparian buffers on stream bank stability and quantifying the proportion of stream sediment that originates from bank erosion and surface erosion. Most of our buffer designs use perennial woody and forb species that are functionally effective and provide potential alternative income to land owners. An area of study includes quantifying the biomass production potential of buffers for carbon sequestration and use in the burgeoning bio-energy field.
Herring, J., R.C. Schultz and T.M. Isenhart. 2006. Watershed-scale inventory of existing riparian buffers in northeast Missouri using GIS. Journal of American Water Resources Association 42:145-155.
Zaimes, G.N., R.C. Schultz and T.M. Isenhart. 2006. Riparian land-uses and precipitation influences on stream bank erosion in central Iowa. Journal of American Water Resources Association 42:83-97.
Abdelkadir, A. and R.C. Schultz. 2005. Water harvesting in a ‘runoff-catchment’ agroforestry system in the dry lands of Ethiopia. Agroforestry Systems 63:291-298
Schultz, R.C., T.M. Isenhart, W.W. Simpkins, and J.P. Colletti. 2004. Riparian forest buffers in agroecosystems – lessons learned from the Bear Creek Watershed, central Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems 61:35-50.
Marquez, C.O., V.J. Garcia, C.A. Cambardella, R.C. Schultz, and T.M. Isenhart. 2004. Aggregate-size stability distribution and soil stability. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:725-735.
Zaimes, G.N., R.C. Schultz, and T. M. Isenhart. 2004. Stream Bank Erosion Adjacent to Riparian Forest Buffers, Row-cropped Fields, and Continuously-grazed Pastures along Bear Creek in Central Iowa. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59:19-27.
Tufekcioglu, A., J.W. Raich, T.M. Isenhart, and R.C. Schultz. 2003. Biomass, carbon and nitrogen dynamics of multi-species riparian buffer zones within an agricultural watershed in Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems 57:187-198.
Simpkins W.W., T. R. Wineland, T. M. Isenhart, and R. C. Schultz. 2003. Hydrologic setting controls NO3--N removal in groundwater beneath multi-species riparian buffers. In: Kolpin, Dana and John D. Williams (Editors). Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality. AWRA’s 2003 Spring Specialty Conference Proceedings. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, Virginia, TPS-03-1, CD-ROM.
Tufekcioglu, A., J.W. Raich, T.M. Isenhart, and R.C. Schultz. 2003. Biomass, carbon and nitrogen dynamics of multi-species riparian buffer zones within an agricultural watershed in Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems 57:187-198.
Lee, Kye-Han, Thomas M. Isenhart, and Richard C. Schultz. 2003 Sediment and nutrient removal in an established multi-species riparian buffer. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 58: 1-8.
Bharati, L. K-H Lee, T.M. Isenhart, and R. C. Schultz. 2002. Riparian zone soil-water infiltration under crops, pasture and established buffers. Agroforestry Systems 56:249-257.
Lowrance, R., S. Dabney, R. Schultz. 2002. Improving water and soil quality with conservation buffers. J. Soil and Water Conservation 57:36A-43A.
Simpkins, W.W., T. R. Wineland, R. J. Andress, D. A. Johnston, T. M. Isenhart, and R. C. Schultz 2002. Hydrogeological constraints on riparian buffers for reduction of diffuse pollution; Examples from the Bear Creek Watershed in Iowa. Journal of Water Science and Technology 45:61-68.
Tufekcioglu, A., J.W. Raich, T.M. Isenhart and R.C. Schultz. 2001. Soil respiration within riparian buffers and adjacent crop fields. Plant and Soil 229:117-124.
Schultz, R.C., J.P. Colletti, T.M. Isenhart, C.O. Marquez, W.W. Simpkins and C.J. Ball. 2000. Riparian forest buffer practices. Chapter 7 pp 189-282; in: Garrett, H.E., W.J. Rietveld and R.F. Fisher (eds.) North American Agroforestry: An integrated science and practices. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. 402 pp.
Lee, K. T.M. Isenhart, R.C. Schultz, and S.K. Mickelson. 2000. Multi-species riparian buffer system in Central Iowa for controlling sediment and nutrient losses during simulated rain. J. Environ. Qual. 29: 1200-1205.
Lee, K., T.M. Isenhart, R.C. Schultz, and S.K. Mickelson. 1999. Nutrient and sediment removal by switchgrass and cool-season filter strips in Central Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems. 44: 121-132.
Tufekcioglu, A., J. W. Raich, T.M. Isenhart, and R. C. Schultz. 1999. Fine root dynamics, coarse root biomass, root distribution and soil respiration in a multispecies riparian buffer in Central Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems. 44: 163-174.
Marquez, C.O., C.A. Cambardella, T.M. Isenhart, and R.C. Schultz. 1999. Assessing soil quality in a riparian buffer strip system by testing organic matter fractions in Central Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems. 44: 133-140.
Schultz, R.C., J.P. Colletti, T.M. Isenhart, and O. Marquez. In press Integrated riparian management systems to protect water quality. Chapter 7 in B. Rietveld and G. Garrett (eds.) Agroforestry: An integrated Science and Practice.
Isenhart, T.M., R.C. Schultz and J.P. Colletti. 1998. Watershed restoration and agricultural practices in the Midwest: Bear Creek of Iowa. Chapter 19, pp 318-334. In: Williams, J.E., C.A. Wood and M.P. Dombeck, Eds. Watershed Restoration: Principles and Practices. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 561 pp.
Reichenbacker, R.R., E. R. Hart, and R.C. Schultz. 1996. Impact of defoliation on Populus growth, biomass production, and total non-structural carbohydrate concentration. Envir. Entom. (in press).
Schultz, R.C. and J.R. Thompson. 1996. Nursery practices and root morphology of 1+0 bareroot hardwood seedlings: five-year field performance in the central U.S.A. New Forests (in press).
Schultz, R.C., J.P. Colletti, W.W. Simpkins, C.W. Mize, M.L. Thompson. 1995. Composition, placement, and design of a multi-species riparian buffer strip. Agroforestry Systems 29:201-226.
Schultz, R.C., J.P. Colletti, R.R. Faltonson. 1995. Agroforestry opportunities for the United States of America. Agroforestry Systems 31:117-132.
Thompson, J.R. and R.C. Schultz. 1995. Root system morphology of Quercus rubra L. planting stock and 3-year field performance in Iowa. New Forests 9:225-236.
Rule, L.C., J.P. Colletti, T.P. Liu, S.E. Jungst, C.W. Mize, and R.C. Schultz. 1994. Agroforesry and forestry-related practices in the Midwestern United States. Agroforestry Systems 27:79-88.
Schultz, R.C., T.M. Isenhart, and J.P. Colletti. 1994. Riparian buffer systems in crop and rangelands. In: Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems: Symposium Proceedings. USDA For. Ser. Gen Tech Rpt RM-GTR-261. pp13-28.
Meilan, R. R. Horgan, J.K. Heald, C.E. LaMotte, and R.C. Schultz. 1993. Identification of the cytokinins in red pine seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation 13:169-178.
Colletti, J.P., R.B. Hall and R.C. Schultz. 1991. Hickory Grove an Iowa example of short-rotation woody crops in agroforestry. Forestry Chronicle 67:258-262.
Schultz, R.C. and J.R. Thompson. 1990. Nursery practices that improve hardwood seedling root morphology. Tree Planter's Notes 41:21-32.