Michael Rohde

Michael Rohde

  • Graduate Assistant
  • Dr. Adam Janke
I am a PhD student starting in the summer of 2023.

I am studying Iowa's SGCN's and factors affecting their distributions across the landscape with a particular focus on water quality.

I grew up in western Nebraska in a small rural town. I completed my undergraduate degree in biology with a minor in political science from the University of Nebraska-Kearney. I was able to work on multiple projects including demographics of Blanding’s Turtles, White-tailed Deer, Bobcats and Eastern Cottontails, as well as raptor surveys and sampling for their prey. My undergraduate research included measuring use of Yucca glauca by small mammals, herps, and birds. I also was able to conduct research on environmental policy pertaining to climate change in the media and congress. I received my Master's of Science degree from PFW in Indiana studying Blanding's Turtle demographics of populations on a military base in Michigan.


Research Area

Area of Expertise

  • Herpetology
  • Mammalogy
  • Population ecology
  • Wetlands


  • B.S., University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2020
  • M.S., Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2023