J.C. Tyndall

Dr. John C Tyndall

  • Professor


Contact Info

238 Science II
Social Media and Websites

Area of Expertise

  • Natural Resource Economics


  • B.S., Sociology and Environmental Studies, W. Michigan University, 1991
  • M.S., Forest Resource Management, Iowa State University, 1996
  • Ph.D., Natural Resource Economics, Iowa State University, 2003

I am a natural resource economist and Professor at Iowa State University. I have broad interests in environmental and natural resource economics, policy and sociology within forestry and agriculture. I specialize in financial and economic explorations of environmental quality management in highly managed agricultural, forest, and urban landscapes.

Recent Publications

(* Student at time of publication; ** former student; # post-doc)

Also See: Google Scholar and Research Gate


Nelson, J.*, Liebman, M., Niemi, J., Cruse, R., Tyndall, J.C., Witte, C., James, D. (2024). The influence of prairie strips sown in midwestern corn and soybean fields on sediment discharge throughout the year. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.  

Lewis, M.*, Tyndall, J.C., Dodd, B., Weber, M. (2024). Economic evaluation of barriers to minimize reservoir sportfish escapement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management

Olafasakin, O.*, Audia, E.**, Mba-Wright, M., Tyndall, J.C., Schulte, L.A. (2024) Techno-economic and life-cycle analysis of renewable natural gas derived from anaerobic digestion of grassy biomass: a U.S. Corn Belt watershed case study. GCB Bioenergy.

Bravard, E.*, Zimmerman, E., Tyndall, J.C., James, D. (Forthcoming). Welcome to the new frontier: Introducing Extension to the next generation of conservation planning tools. Journal of Extension


Magala, R.*, F.E. Miguez, J.C. Tyndall, and Schulte, Lisa A. (2023; revision) Modeling Carbon Dynamics in Corn Cropping Systems: Evaluation and Application Based on the Longest-Running Cropping System Experiment in North America. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4591253 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4591253 

Stone, T.*, Dickey, L.C.*, Summers, H.*, Thompson, J.R., Rehmann, C.R., Zimmerman, E., and J.C. Tyndall. (2023) A systematic review of social equity in FEWS analyses. Frontiers in Environmental Science.


Audia, E.,** Schulte Moore, L.A., Tyndall, J.C. (2022) Measuring changes in financial and ecosystems service outcomes with simulated grassland restoration in a Corn Belt watershed. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Special issue: Agroecology and Ecosystem Services.

Bogert, M.,* Schulte-Moore, L.A., Tyndall, J.C., O'Neal, M. (2022). Insect Diversity in Manure-Treated Prairie. Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports. Iowa State University Digital Press.

Ranjan, P., Usher, E., Bates, H., Zimmerman, E., Tyndall, J.C., Morris, C., Koontz, T.M., Prokopy, L. (2022). Understanding barriers and opportunities for diffusion of an agricultural decision-support tool: An organizational perspective. Journal of Hydrology.

Tyndall, J.C. (2022) Prairie and Tree Planting Tool - PT2 (1.0): A conservation decision support tool for Iowa, USA. Agroforestry Systems.

Bravard, E.,** Zimmerman, E., Tyndall, J.C., James, D. (2022). The Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework Financial and Nutrient Reduction Tool (ACPF FiNRT): A planning tool for cost effective conservation. Journal of Environmental Quality.

Zimmerman, E., James, D., Jordahl, J., Magala, R.*, Schulte Moore, L.A., Tyndall, J.C. (2022) Chapter 8. Agricultural Carbon Planning.  In: Schulte Moore L, Jordahl J, editors. 2022. Carbon Science for Carbon Markets: Emerging Opportunities in Iowa. CROP 3175. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, Iowa.


Janke, A., Tyndall, J.C., Bradbury, S. (2021) Financial analysis of converting rural lawns to pollinator habitat in the U.S. Corn Belt. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.

Tyndall, J.C., Valcu Lisman, A., Bogert, M.*, and A. Zobrodsky**. (2021) The cover crop seed industry: an Indiana case study. Journal of Applied Farm Economics. 4, no. 1 (Fall 2021).

Dean, A.*, J. Niemi, J.C. Tyndall, E. Hodgson, and M.O’Neal. (2021) Developing a decision-making framework for insect pest management: a case study using Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Pest Management Science.


Chennault, C. M.**, Valek, R.M., Tyndall, J.C., and L.A., Schulte (2020) PEWI: An interactive web-based ecosystem service model for a broad public audience. Ecological Modelling. 431 (109165)

Dean, A.*, S. Pritchard, J.C. Tyndall, E. Hodgson, and M.O’Neal. (2020). Evaluating soybean aphid resistant varieties in different environments to estimate financial outcomes. Journal of Economic Entomology

Khaleel, A.*, Sauer, T.J., J.C. Tyndall. (2020). Changes in in deep soil organic carbon and soil properties beneath tree windbreak plantings in the U.S. Great Plains. Agroforestry Systems

Tyndall, J.C. (2020) Being cautiously optimistic: A water quality story. SUS-RURI: Proceedings of a Workshop on Developing a Convergence Sustainable Urban Systems Agenda for Redesigning the Urban-Rural Interface along the Mississippi River Watershed held in Ames, Iowa, August 12–13, 2019. https://doi.org/10.31274/isudp.35.


Larsen, GLD.**, Tyndall, J.C., Schulte, L.A., Grudens-Schuck, N. (2019). Exploring stakeholder consensus for multiple outcomes in agriculture: an Iowa case study. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (Special Issue: Agroecology and Ecosystem Services).

Zimmerman, E.*, Tyndall, J.C., Schulte, L.A. (2019) Using spatially-targeted conservation to evaluate nitrogen reduction and economic opportunities for best management practice placement. Environmental Management.

Zimmerman, E.*, Tyndall, J.C., Schulte, L.A., D.L. Larson. (2019) Farmer and Farmland Owner Views on Spatial Targeting for Soil Conservation and Water Quality. Water Resources Research.

Trabue, S., Scoggin, K., Tyndall, JC., Sauer, T., Hernandez-Ramirez, G., Pfeiffer, R., J. Hatfield. (2019) Odorous compounds sources and transport from a swine deep-pit finishing operation: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management.

Hand, A.*, Bowman, T.**#, JC Tyndall. (2019) Influences on farmer and rancher interest in supplying woody biomass in the US Northern Great Plains. Agroforestry Systems.


Tyndall, JC. and J.A. Randall. (2018) VEB-Econ: An Outreach-Planning Tool for Designing Vegetative Environmental Buffers. Journal of Extension. 56 (7, 7TOT3)

Hand, A.M.** and J.C. Tyndall. (2018) A Qualitative Investigation of Farmer and Rancher Perceptions of Trees and Woody Biomass Production on Marginal Agricultural Land. Forests.

Roesch-McNally, G.**, Arbuckle, JG., Tyndall JC . (2018) Barriers to implementing climate resilient agricultural strategies: The case of crop diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt. Global Environmental Change.

Tyndall, J.C. and J.A. Randall. (2018) VEB-Econ: A Vegetative Environmental Buffer decision support tool for environmental quality management. Journal of Forestry.

Roesch-McNally, G.**, Arbuckle, JG., Tyndall JC. (2018) Soil as social-ecological feedback: Examining the “ethic” of soil stewardship among Corn Belt farmers. Rural Sociology.

Basche, A., Roesch-Mcnally, G.*, Clay, R., Arbuckle, JG., Tyndall, JC., Miguez, F., Bowman, T. **# (2018) The trouble with cover crops: Farmers’ experiences with overcoming barriers to adoption. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S174217051700009


Schulte et al. (including J.C. Tyndall) (2017) Prairie strips improve biodiversity and the delivery of multiple ecosystem services from corn‐soybean croplands. PNAS. Early Edition: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/09/26/1620229114.short

Enloe, S.**, Schulte, L.A., J.C. Tyndall. (2017) Working beyond scale challenges: Private-public partnerships as a strategy for more resilient watershed programming. Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-017-0905-5

Arbuckle, J.G., Tyndall, J.C., Wright Morton, L., Hobbs, J. (2017) Climate change typologies and audience segmentation among Corn Belt farmers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 72(3):205-214.

Roesch-McNally, G.*, Arbuckle, J.G., J.C. Tyndall (2017) What would farmers do? Adaptation intentions under a Corn Belt climate change scenario. Agriculture and Human Values.

Schulte, L.A. and J.C. Tyndall (2017) Understanding Land-Use Feedbacks and Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs in Agriculture (Chapter 19). In: Learning Landscape Ecology: Concepts and Tools for Sustainable Landscapes (2nd edition). Edited by: Gergel SE and MG Turner. Springer.

Abendroth, L., L.W. Morton, E. Kladivko, R. Anex, J. Arbuckle, R. Arritt, B. Basso, L. Bowling, M. Castellano, R. Cruse, W. Dick, N. Fausey, J. Frankenberger, P. Gassman, M. Helmers, A. Kravchenko, R. Lal, F. Miguez, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, P. Scharf, J. Strock, J. Tyndall, A. Gassmann, D. Herzmann, C. Kling, J. Lauer, D. Mueller, N. Nkongolo, M. O’Neal, P. Owens and M. Villamil. Climate and Managing Corn-Soybean Agroecosystems 2: Findings, Implications and Recommendations. Technical Report Series: Findings and Recommendations of the USDA-NIFA funded Climate and Corn-based Cropping Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Vol 1 of 5. Pub. No. CSCAP-0197-2017.


Huang, S., G. Hu, C. Chennault,** L. Su, E. Brandes, E. Heaton, L. Schulte, L. Wang , J.C. Tyndall.  (2016) Agent-Based Modeling of Bioenergy Crop Adoption and Farmer Decision-making.  Energy.

Roley, S., Tank, J., Tyndall, J.C., Witter, J (2016) How cost-effective are cover crops, wetlands, and two-stage ditches for nitrogen removal in the Mississippi River Basin? Water Resources & Economics.

Chennault, C.M.*, Schulte, L.A., J.C. Tyndall (2016). PEWI: A web-based learning tool for evaluating ecosystem service tradeoffs in watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.

Roesch, G.E*.,  Rabotyagov, S., Tyndall, J.C., Ettl, G., and S. Toth (2016). Auctioning the Forest: A qualitative approach to exploring stakeholder responses to building on forest ecosystem services. Small Scale Forestry.

Schulte, L.A., C.M. Chennault,** N. Grudens-Schuck, J.C. Tyndall, and R. Valek. 2016. Getting into Soil and Water Virtually with PEWI. Getting Into Soil and Water 2016:24-25.

Wright Morton, L., L. Abendroth, R. Anex, J. Arbuckle, R. Arritt, M. Castellano, R. Cruse, J. Frankenberger, M. Helmers, E. Kladivko, M. O’Neal, P. Scharf, B. Basso, L. Bowling, W. Dick, N. Fausey, A. Gassmann, D. Herzmann, P. Gassman, C. Kling, A. Kravchenko, R. Lal, J. Lauer, F. Miguez, D. Mueller, E. Nafziger, N. Nkongolo, P. Owens, J. Sawyer, J. Strock, J. Tyndall, and M. Villamil. Climate and Managing Corn-Soybean Agroecosystems: Findings, Implications and Recommendations. Technical Report Series: Findings and Recommendations of the USDA-NIFA funded Climate and Corn-based Cropping Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Vol 1 of 5. Pub. No. CSCAP-0195-2016. https://store.extension.iastate.edu/Topic/Crops/Climate-and-Agriculture


Doudna J**, O'Neal M, Tyndall, J.C., Helmers, M. (2015). Perspectives of extension agents and farmers toward an ecosystem service paradigm in the United States Corn Belt. Journal of Extension.

Prokopy L., Arbuckle J. G., Barnes A. P, Haden V. R., Hogan A., Niles M. T.,  J.C. Tyndall. (2015)  Farmers and Climate Change: A Cross-National Comparison of Beliefs and Risk Perceptions in High Income Countries. Environmental Management.

Tyndall, J.C., J. G. Arbuckle Jr., L. Wright Morton, L. Stalker Prokopy, T. Haigh, T. Knoot, C. Knutson, and M. Widhalm. (2015). New Atlas features Corn Belt farmers' perspectives in agriculture and climate. Journal of Extension 53, 1, 1TOT9

Knoot, T. G.** , M. E. Shea**, L. A. Schulte, J. C. Tyndall, M. D. Nelson, C. H. Perry, and B. J. Palik. (2015) Forest change in the Driftless Area of the Midwest: From a preferred to undesirable future. Forest Ecology and Management. 341: 110-120.

McGranahan, D.**, Brown, P., Schulte, L., Tyndall, J.C. (2015) Associating conservation/production patterns in U.S. farm policy with agricultural land-use in three Iowa, USA townships, 1933-2002. Land Use Policy. 45: 76-85.

Larsen, GL.D., L.A. Schulte, and J.C. Tyndall. 2015. How should Iowa's agricultural landscape look? Rootstalk 1:41-46. 

Arbuckle, JG., Tyndall, J.C. and E. Sorensen* (2105) Iowan's perspectives on targeted approaches for multiple-benefit agriculture. Iowa State University, Department of Sociology. Paper 1038.

Church, Sarah P., Tonya Haigh, Melissa Widhalm, Linda Stalker Prokopy, J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr., Jon Hobbs, Tricia Knoot, Cody Knutson, Adam Loy, Amber Saylor Mase, Jean McGuire, Lois Wright Morton, John Tyndall (2015). Farmer Perspectives on Agricultural Practices, Information, and Weather Variability in the Corn Belt: A Statistical Atlas, Volume 2. CSCAP-0184-2015. West Lafayette, IN. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/R79W0CFS


Enloe, S.**, Schulte, L.A., Tyndall, J.C. (2014) Toward a collaborative approach to watershed management: Lessons learned from the Boone River watershed, Iowa. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 69 (5): 149A-153A

Arbuckle J, Hobbs J*, Loy A*, Wright-Morton L, Prokopy L, Tyndall JC. (2014) Understanding farmer perspectives on climate change: Toward effective communication strategies for adaptation and mitigation in the Corn Belt. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 69 (6): 505-516

Tyndall JC, Roesch G*. (2014). A Standardized Approach to the Financial Analysis of Structural Water Quality BMPs. Journal of Extension. Vol. 52, Num. 3, 3FEA10.

Loy*, A., J.Hobbs*, J. G. Arbuckle Jr., L. Wright Morton, L. Stalker Prokopy, T. Haigh, T. Knoot, C. Knutson, A. Saylor Mase*, J. McGuire*, J. Tyndall, and M. Widhalm, 2014. Farmer Perspectives on Agriculture and Weather Variability in the Corn Belt: A Statistical Atlas. CSCAP 0153-2013. Ames, IA: Cropping Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP): Climate Change, Mitigation, and Adaptation in Corn-based Cropping Systems.


Christianson L**, Tyndall JC. Helmers M. (2013) Financial Comparison of Seven Nitrate Reduction Strategies for Midwestern Agricultural Drainage. Water Resources & Economics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wre.2013.09.001

Christianson L**, Knoot T, Larsen D**, Tyndall JC, Helmers M. (2013) An ecosystem services approach to farmer adoption of potential drainage water quality improvement strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14735903.2013.835604

Tyndall JC, Schulte L, Liebman M, Helmers M. (2013) Field-Level Financial Assessment of Contour Prairie Strips for Environmental Quality Enhancement. Environmental Management. 52(3): 736-747.

Arbuckle J, Prokopy L (10 authors including five students *; JC Tyndall) (2013) Climate Change Beliefs, Risk Perceptions, and Attitudes toward Adaptation and Mitigation among Farmers in the Midwestern United States.  Climate Change Letters. 117(4): 943-950

McGranahan D**, Brown P, Schulte L, Tyndall JC. (2013) A historical primer on the U.S. farm bill: Supply management and conservation policy Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68(3): 67A-73A

Tyndall JC, Larsen GL Drake** (2013). Vegetative Environmental Buffers for Odor Mitigation. Pork Information Gateway. - US Pork Center of Excellence. PIG 10-2-15 (peer-reviewed Extension)


Grala R, Tyndall JC, Mize CW. (2012) Iowa Citizen Willingness to Pay for In-Field Windbreaks. Landscape and Urban Planning 108(2-4): 71-78

Tyndall JC, Grudens-Schuck N, Harmon J, Hoff S. (2012) Social Approval of the Use of the Community Assessment Model for Odor Dispersal: Results from a Citizens Survey. Environmental Management. 50(2):315-28.

Bowman T*, Thompson J, Tyndall JC (2012) Resident, Developer, and Civic Official Perceptions of Alternative Subdivision Design Approaches. Landscape and Urban Planning.  107: 43-54.

Hernandez G, Trabue S, Sauer T, Pfeiffer R, JC Tyndall. (2012) Odor mitigation with tree buffers: swine production case study. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment 149:154-163.

Bowman T*, Tyndall JC, Thompson J, Kliebenstein J, Colletti JP. (2012) Multiple approaches to valuation of conservation subdivision and low-impact development in residential subdivisions. Journal of Environmental Management. 104C:101-113

Bowman T*, Thompson JR, Tyndall JC, Anderson P. (2012) Land Cover Analysis for Urban Foresters and Municipal Planners: Examples from Iowa. Journal of Forestry. 110: 25-33.


Tyndall JC, Hoff S, Harmon J, Grudens-Schuck N. (2011) The Community Assessment Model for Odor Dispersion: A Program Evaluation. Journal of Extension. 49(4), 4FEA7.

Christianson L*, Tyndall JC. (2011) Seeking a Dialog: Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the US Cornbelt. Sustainability: Science, Policy & Practice. Volume 7, Issue 2.

Tyndall JC, Schulte LA, Hall R, Gruhb K. (2011) Woody Biomass in the U.S. Cornbelt? Constraints and Opportunities in the Supply from Two Regions. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35:1561-1571.

Tyndall JC, Berg E*, Colletti JP (2011) Corn Stover as a Dedicated Feedstock in Iowa’s Bio-economy: An Iowa Farmer Survey. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35:1485-1495.


Tyndall JC, Schulte LA, Hall R. (2010) Potential of Woody Biomass in the U.S. Cornbelt: Opinions of Professional Foresters. Small Scale Forestry. 10(3): 287-303.

Tyndall JC, Hoff S, Harmon J. (2010) User Assessment of the CAM Livestock Production Siting Model. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(5): 927-933.

Schulte LA, Donahey J*, Gran L*, Isenhart T, Tyndall JC. (2010) People in Ecosystems/Watershed Integration (PE/WI): a dynamic watershed tool for linking agroecosystem outputs to land use and land cover. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 65(2): 33A-36A.

Grala RK, Tyndall JC, Mize CW. (2010) Impact of field windbreaks on visual appearance of agricultural lands. Agroforestry Systems 80(3): 411-422.

Knoot T*, Schulte L, Tyndall JC, Palik B. (2010) The state, resilience, and potential future of disturbance-dependent oak forests as perceived by regional change agents. Ecology & Society. 15(4): 5.


Brandle JR, Hodges L, Tyndall JC, Sudmeyer RA. (2009) Windbreak Practices (Book chapter). North American Agroforestry: An Integrated Science and Practice – Second edition. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin.

Tyndall JC. (2009) Characterizing Pork Producer Demand for Shelterbelts to Mitigate Odor: An Iowa Case Study. Agroforestry Systems. 77(3): 205-221.

Tyndall JC, Grala RC. (2009) Financial Feasibility of Using Shelterbelts for Swine Odor Mitigation.  Agroforestry Systems 76:237–250.


Secchi S, Tyndall JC, Schulte LA, Asbjornsen H. (2008) High Crop Prices and Conservation: Raising the Stakes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation V. 63, Number 3. pp 68-75.

Schulte LA. et al., (14 authors; Tyndall, JC) (2008) A targeted conservation approach for improving environmental quality: Multiple benefits and expanded opportunities. Iowa State University Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension – PMR 1002 December 2008.

Tyndall JC, Colletti JP. (2007) Mitigating Swine Odor with Strategically Designed Shelterbelt Systems: A Review. Agroforestry Systems. 69(1):45-65.