Dr. Jesse Randall
- Affiliate Associate Professor
Research Area
Area of Expertise
- Silviculture
- B.S. Natural Resource Management, Cornell University, 1995
- Ph.D. Forestry, Michigan State University, 2006
- Plant -Ungulate interactions: techniques to moderate high density ungulate effects on forest structure and composition
- Native and exotic forest invasive plants: Silvicultural treatments which reduce invasive competition while minimizing treatment effects on desired native flora and fauna
- Preservation / maintenance / restoration of rare and/or unique flora and fauna (oak savannas)
- Identifying new silvicultural guidelines when faced with exotic pests (EAB) and pathogens (oak wilt, sudden oak death)
- Sweet tree sugar maple enhancement – the physiological/ecological costs and benefits associated with enhanced sugar sap sweetness. Silvicultural guidelines for placing sweet trees into established woodlots
- Christmas tree production practices and tree improvement
- Butternut (Juglans cineria) stock resistance to canker
Professional Affiliations
Ecological Society of America
Iowa Arborists Association
Iowa Woodland Owners Association
National Christmas Tree Association
National Tree Farm Association
National Woodland Owners Association
Northern Nut Growers Association
Society of American Foresters
The Wild Turkey Federation
The Wildlife Society
Walnut Council
Peer Reviewed Publications:
- Randall, J. A. and Walters M.B. (In press) White-tailed deer density effects on vegetation in aspen forest understories over site productivity and stand age gradients.
- Randall, J. A. and Walters M.B. (In review) Can herbicide applications be timed to control Carex pensylvanica Lam. while minimizing impacts to non-target vegetation in Great Lakes northern hardwood forests?
- Randall, J. A. and Walters M.B. (In preparation) Carex pensylvanica Lam. has greater survivorship than Acer saccharum seedlings following competition induced soil water deficits
- Randall, J. A. and Walters M.B. (In preparation) Separating white-tailed deer browse and sedge effects on understory vegetation dynamics in temperate northern hardwood forests.
- Rhoads, A.G., S.P. Hamburg, T.J. Fahey, T.G. Siccama, E.N. Hane, J. Battles, C. Cogbill, J.
- Randall, and G.Wilson. 2002. Effects of an intense ice storm on the structure of northern hardwood forests. Can. J. of For. Res. 32:1763-1775.
Published Proceedings:
- Randall, J.A., and Walters M.B. (2005) Deer and sedge: bottlenecks to seedling regeneration.
- Joint ESA and ISECOL meeting in Montreal, Canada. August 7th –12th.
- Randall, J. A., and Walters M.B. (2005) Deer and sedge: bottlenecks to seedling regeneration in
- northern hardwood forests: Potential restoration techniques aimed at reversing the effects. Michigan Society of American Foresters. Forests and Whitetails-striving for balance. St. Ignace, MI, USA. June 9th – 10th.
- Randall. J. A., and Walters M.B. (2003) Do deer and sedge limit regeneration in partial cut
- northern hardwood stands? ESA meeting in Savannah GA. August 3rd – 8th.
Extension and Non-Peer Reviewed Publications:
- Randall, J. A., and Walters M. B. (2004) Deer and sedge impact tree regeneration in working
- forests: Possible restoration treatments. Michigan State University Extension Publication