Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging


Just as biological diversity makes the biotic communities we study and steward resilient and vibrant, human diversity makes our department, our institution, and our professions stronger and better-equipped to confront the challenges facing natural resources and the people and communities that rely on them.

Defining DEI

In order to work together for a shared vision of a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive NREM, we seek a common understanding of the following words.  


Diversity comprises the breadth of identities held by all people. These specifically include internal dimensions gained at birth -- race and ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, social background, and mental or physical capabilities—and external dimensions acquired through life -- socioeconomic status, language, culture, religious commitments, age, (dis)ability status, political perspective, paternal status, marital status, appearance, work experience, and more. The complex juxtaposition of each of these unique identities each person holds is called intersectionality.


Equity in higher education is an ideal that aspires to ensure all learners and employees gain equitable access to opportunities and experiences while recognizing people's needs may differ significantly.


Inclusion is the ideal that all people, opinions, perspectives, and experiences are valued and embraced in an integrated way to strengthen the department and profession.  


Current Initiatives

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee in NREM seeks to identify and work to break down barriers to achieving greater diversity, equity, and inclusion among students, faculty, and staff in NREM and to set an example for peers within our professions, our scientific and professional societies, and the institution.  

The committee helps the department achieve this goal through a variety of actions, structured into three primary focal areas: 

  1. Creating a strong leadership shadow, where faculty and staff model inclusive and supportive behaviors to all students. 
  2. Explicitly find ways to support underrepresented minorities within the department. 
  3. Support efforts to explicitly integrate work in diversity, equity, and inclusion education and activities within all department functions, including research, teaching, extension, and service.  
Adam Janke

DEI Committee Chair

Adam Janke
Associate Professor
Extension Wildlife Specialist

Questions or Concerns?

Please reach out to any member of our committee with concerns, suggestions, or questions! We're here to help!

Additional DEI Resources

Our committee leads two initiatives that seek to elevate conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion. NREM Reads is a common read program conducted in even-fall semesters and the Diversity Drop newsletter is a short educational email sent to all NREM faculty, staff, and students each week of the semester!